Friday, June 17, 2011

Study Reading

Task 1

1->Text books
3->Lecture notes
4->Theses and dissertations
6->Websites/e-learning materials
8->Indexing and abstractiong databases


bibliography----> sources used by the author
title page     ----> a list of the main topics by chapter
appendix     ----> a list of books, articles, etc. which provide further reading on the themes covered in the     book; usually found at the end
preface/introduction---->the units of the book

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Children's court

The children's court looks like the local court. There is no jury. Instead of judge, the magistrate decides the verdict and sets any punishment. When the magistrate ask the defendent question, the defendent should end his answer with YOUR HONER. Besides the magistrate, there is court registrar who writes everything said in court. He also decide the time you go and in. Accompany with the defendent, the legal aid solicite is the lawer of defendent and he will argue your case for defendent. This service is free in NSW. The police prosecutor argue against the case. They will recommand the magistrate wht the punishment should upon the defendent. The defendent is allowed to have support people sit in the court.
